UV crosslinker CL-1

Short wave (254 nm): Sterilization, UV crosslinking of membranes

Medium wave (312/302 nm): Photochemical reactions, UV crosslinking 

Long wave (365 nm): UV curing, non-destructive testing

UV cross-linking device is a versatile UV radiation system, which is mainly used to cross-link nucleic acids on membranes. It can also be used for DNA cleavage in agarose gel, RecA mutation screening, and partial restriction of pyrimidine dimer production. Endonuclease digestion, UV sterilization to eliminate PCR contamination. It also has application value in ultraviolet sterilization and polymer UV treatment.

Crosslinker CL-1: safe and easy to use.

Easy to operate: only two switches: one conditional intensity, one start switch

Automatically cut off UV radiation when the tray is opened.

The maintenance requirements are low and the sensor is protected from mechanical damage.

Durable sensor for long life.

Microprocessor creates a high degree of reproducibility.

Features: The new cross-linker CL-1 has a unique principle of measuring UV radiation: when accurately measuring the emitted UV radiation, the visible light emitted is also measured. Therefore, detector aging caused by UV radiation can be excluded.